Women confidently leading change and impact while
loving their business/practice, clients and their life!
Exclusively for current or emerging female professionals, coaches or other expert entrepreneurs ready to create their own sustainable economy.
Ladies: Can you relate to any of the following patterns that unconsciously block women from attaining the level of success they desire to create and experience?
01 Self-doubt

Confidence gaps found in women, including those who are highly skilled or educated is well researched and documented.
A lack of confidence gives power to our doubts. Severe feelings of self-doubt may result in experiencing imposter blocks that can manifest itself in severe fear of success, fear of failure or self-sabotage.
These blocks often strike at moments of success, during transitions or when starting a business. They are commonly experienced amongst high achievers, leaders, and entrepreneurs.
Self-doubt and other blocks can be masked as perfectionism, procrastination, or fear of rejection or criticism.
An empowered mindset is a crucial foundation for reclaiming your inner confidence so that you can create the life and business you desire to experience!
02 Money Resistance

Money as revenue is vital for a business to exist.
As an exchange of value, our currency of money flows and circulates. We earn our money to then release it to obtain the basic necessities, enjoyment of comfort and lifestyle, more freedom to make the choices we want to make, etc.
What we care about may not be money itself, but what money represents for us. Money is so much more than just money.
Your money mindset has tremendous power associated with both your personal and business decisions because it dictates all your choices. The inability to get passed an income plateau is often a reflection of a disempowered money mindset resisting and sabotaging opportunities for creating more abundance.
An abundant mindset will better support you in welcoming money as a tool to elevate your confidence and own your worth!
03 Overloading your Services

You love what you do and you are very good at it.
You may, however, be unsure how to start designing or redesigning the implementation of your many ideas to avoid overdelivering your services and trading time for dollars that often result in burnout while being paid less.
You can be working fewer hours while increasing your income by leveraging your services to reduce overwhelm for both you and your clients.
It’s critical that you get your thoughts organized into a simple, clear, and dynamic framework to transform your work into your expertise that will attract and serve your ideal clients.
Transforming your work into specific solutions and outcomes will position you as a more valued and trusted expert in your field!
04 Discounting your Worth

Many women struggle with how to set and confidently talk about their fees.
We project our own insecurities onto our prospective clients when we fear being judged based on our fees. There is no need to convince your prospective clients to invest in a service they don’t want, don’t need, or can’t afford.
There is a difference between price and value. Your fee is what your client pays, whereas value is what your client gets out of what they pay for.
Undervaluing your services is often a reflection of a lack of confidence. Your ideal client will choose to work with you at a higher fee when you confidently outline the value and client experience you provide.
Owning your worth by delivering value is crucial if you want your business to prosper!
If you want to benefit from an opportunity to gain clarity as to why you are not creating what you want in your business or how to move forward with your goal, complete the Breakthrough Session request form and let’s talk! Only through this awareness will you then be able to make the right decision to resolve what is holding you back!


program Foundations

Realigned. Evolving. Authentic. Leveraged.
Realigned. Your inner work will determine the level of your outer success. You need to know your inner to access and bring out your strengths and talents that are already within you to transform your experiences. Shifting your focus on what really matters to you and tapping into your unique inner brilliance will better align your choices to powerfully create your outer: the level of personal and business success you desire to experience!
Evolving. Confidence is always evolving as we stretch ourselves and experience new situations, challenges and goals. It’s not an “all or nothing” quality where we either have it or we don’t. Having this growth mindset helps reduce insecurities and self-doubt when taking on new challenges. Strong lasting confidence comes from the inside out and starts with you and your ability to believe in yourself no matter what the circumstances are.
Authentic. It’s the quality of being free of pretence where you don’t have to ‘edit’ yourself. Authenticity is now regarded as one of the greatest competitive edges in business. Your prospective clients have the consumer authority and they increasingly want an experience that is honest and transparent! Leveraging your authenticity in your marketing communication will attract those clients who resonate with you and the transformation you offer.
Leveraged. Confidently capturing the attention of your ideal clients who are truly invested (rather than just interested) in the transformation you offer frees you from sabotaging your unique brilliance, your own magic! Your business success will be dependant on your ability to deliver powerful value by redesigning your services into packages to provide specific outcomes and impact to a specific niche market.
Jumpstart Your Biz Confidence
10-week Combined Program Options
Hybrid (Live Virtual and Online)
This Exclusive Sale Offer (Limited Enrolment) is for you if you want live coaching support while re/designing your business model so you can confidently serve your new or initial niche in 10 weeks!
Online Self Learning
The online self-learning adaptation of this powerful program is for you if you do not want live coaching support while re/designing your busines model so you can also deliver your services confidently to your new or initial niche in 10 weeks!
If you are ready to evolve and expand in the next highest version of yourself
to succeed while being in service to others by:
- Developing a new perspective about money so that it can serve as a powerful catalyst to live life with more purpose and impact
- Attracting your ideal clients with clearly outlined value so that you can sell without feeling you are selling
- Working with clients who are invested in themselves so that you can get paid for the transformational work you do with them
- Making a bigger impact in your life and in the lives of your clients
- Restructuring your services to effectually shorten your clients’ learning curve so that you can remove overwhelm for both you and your client
- Reducing or overcoming doubt and fear so that you can feel comfortable standing in the value of your work and avoid business stagnation
- Stopping wasting time/money resources and missed opportunities while trying to figure things out on your own
- Avoiding cookie cutter business advice that doesn’t honor you and your unique brilliance, needs and desires
- Getting the needed support to gain clarity and momentum so you can feel more aligned and on purpose with your life and business from the ‘Inside Out’
then join me in the level of transformational support and experience
that will meet your unique needs and desires!
coaching programs
Empowering women to confidently lead change and impact while loving their business, clients and their life!
Excellence. Integrity. Credibility. Commitment.