Focussing on Value
As an entrepreneur, you have your inner brilliance to offer the world. However, it’s not always easy to transform that brilliance into a lucrative business.
Being committed to entrepreneurship means to be fully prepared to take the required action steps to maximize our opportunities to succeed!
If your business is not evolving to stay relevant to your clients, you may need to transform your business model so that you can deliver a higher quality client experience. Aspects of transforming your business model may include setting a new fee structure, developing a new niche market or new services, creating leverage in the delivery of your services, etc.
It’s important to understand that leveraging your services is NOT about

watering down your impact to serve more clients. It’s about redesigning your services to provide clear outcomes and impact to a specific niche market e.g., creating client-attracting packages spotlighting the special value you provide to your ideal client. Leveraging your services is also an effective way to get past an income plateau and avoid burnout.
Transforming your work to deliver higher value might just be the difference you have been looking for to uplevel your business while enjoying more time freedom!